
Commitment to Safety

The management team of Paraway is committed to safeguarding the health, safety and welfare of our employees and visitors at our workplaces.

Agricultural workplaces have one of the highest incident rates and are therefore recognised as being a dangerous place to work.  We take this risk seriously and we are committed to working with our staff to mitigate these risks to prevent injury and ill health wherever possible. Paraway is also committed to continual improvement in WHS management and performance.

We recognise the importance of complying with WHS laws governing safety in the workplace and are aware of our obligations under relevant WHS legislation. The company WHS policy and associated procedures are continually reviewed and updated in accordance with changes to legislation and our developing business needs.
“Creating a healthy and safe workplace is a team effort and an ongoing commitment”

Making the workplace a safe and healthy one is a partnership between all workers of Paraway. We therefore actively encourage everyone in the workplace to be involved in the identification, assessment and control of workplace hazards to ensure risks are reduced or eliminated as far as reasonably practicable.

All workers (employees, contractors and sub contractors) and other persons (such as visitors to the workplace) are responsible for complying with WHS legislation and to supporting and adhering to the standards applied, communicated and supported by Paraway.

“Our team commitment – information, training, involvement & support”